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Power ten thousand new help champion | this conference is so cool!

Release time:2020-04-15 18:50:54 sources: Reading times: second

Did you attend a "cloud launch" on April 15?

Today, the long-awaited "Real power Wanxin power champion" Wanxin 2020 brand strategy online press conference and Olympic champion Pang Wei successfully concluded. Wanxin live broadcast platform and Douyin platform live broadcast simultaneously, with the participation of three TV media. As of 5 o 'clock today, the number of viewers has reached 9,557.

Next, follow the xiaobian to see what du Yun released ~

Strength million new help the champion

Vice President of domestic marketing center of Wanxin Optical Group
Shang Jian

This brand press conference key word qualitative is "champion" have profound meaning.

For 47 years, Wanxin has been adhering to the pursuit of champions to research and development and innovation, to provide consumers with better products and solutions. Thanks to all partners, Wanxin has become the champion of local lens brand after overcoming all difficulties in the past 15 years.

Now, we set foot on the journey together again, this time we signed the shooting Olympic champion Pang Wei is the witness that we set sail again. The champion spirit is more like a belief, which continuously guides us to maintain our innovation and sense of purpose. In the future, Wanxin will always keep the pursuit of champions and better serve consumers and retailers.

Categorization vision solutions; Provide a good visual experience, promote consumer identity industry value.

Make glasses, find million new; In a gesture of comprehensive empowerment, help retailers become industry champions.

Digitization; Better model your business and start the digital age.

Strength million new, help everyone become a champion.

Surprise line with Pang Wei

Take a look at the Olympic champion Pang Wei heart champion and Wan Xin it ~

Champion service helps the industry

Jiangsu Wanxin Optics Co., LTD. Sales Center Director
Li Qiang

In 2020, Wanxin will use the annual champion theme activity to help the development of the optometry industry, bring effective customer flow to the stores, increase the length of customer stay in the stores, and establish the standard of category and service process.

Materials such as champion image posters, champion images in life, champion videos, etc. can be integrated into the store image and products to arouse the resonance of the champion spirit among the public and share the glory of champion.

Category upgrading. At present, there is a lack of unified category standards in the optometry industry. We have created six categories, namely teenage myopia management, harmful light protection, relieving visual fatigue, adult progressive, light-sensitive protection and clear vision, to promote scenario-based consumer experience and realize retail store upgrading.

And easy to complete adolescent myopia management lens, green comfortable type digital relieving eyestrain lenses and farce think Ⅱ light sensitive protective glasses three new products, to meet the visual demand.

From marketing to stores, the annual marketing in three dimensions witnesses champion brands, creates champion stores, and helps consumers become champions in life. For now, "Go away! The "buy one, get one free" campaign is underway. Don't miss it!

Wanxin and retail stores together, to win the battle against coVID-19 recovery sales!

The champion starts from me, and finally, the activity of dividing ten thousand yuan red envelope is started, nearly one thousand people participate in it, and the perfect end of this conference!

Strength million new, help the champion! This is the end of wanxin 2020 brand strategy online press conference. 2020, let's show the strength of the champion together!
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